What's new in PDF-Tools?

Check out some of the features added in this new build of the software:

Add Barcode Tool

Add Barcode Tool

You can use the Add Barcode tool to add barcodes with user-specified data to documents.

Normalize Pages Tool

Normalize Pages Tool

You can use this tool to adjust the position and rotation of pages/content in documents.

Run JavaScript Tool

Run JavaScript Tool

You can use the Run JavaScript tool to runs user-defined JavaScript code snippets for input documents.

Identify Forms Tool

Identify Forms Tool

You can use this tool to identify form fields in document content.


New Features Added in Version

%[RelPath] Macro Added to the Software

%[RelPath] Macro Added to the Software

You can use the %[RelPath] macro to insert the relative path of files from their root folders.

Add Links from Barcodes Tool/Action

Add Links from Barcodes Tool/Action

This feature can be used to add links from barcodes in PDF-Tools.

Create PDFs from Web Pages Tool/Action

Create PDFs from Web Pages Tool/Action

You can use this feature to create PDFs from web pages with PDF-Tools.

Redact Regions Tool/Action

Redact Regions Tool/Action

You can use the Redact Regions tool/action to redact custom regions of documents.

Numerous Additional Improvements and Bug Fixes

Numerous Additional Improvements and Bug Fixes

As usual, a range of additional features, improvements and bug fixes have been made in this release of your favorite software for the creation, updating, manipulation and batch-conversion of PDF files - PDF-Tools. Please see the Version History for further information.



Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Presenting V10 released June 14th, 2023

Posted: 1 year 8 months 6 days ago, Views: 423 Duration: 0:00

Presenting Build 337, Coming this April

Presenting Build 337, Coming this April

Posted: 4 years 10 months 11 days ago, Views: 3569 Duration: 0:00

Pricing Table

Perpetual (Lifetime) License

We offer a range of licensing setups in order to accommodate businesses of all sizes.
Use the table below to find the best licensing model for you:

Single User License
Choose maintenance period


USD $82.00

3 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $223.00

5 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $368.00

10 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $704.00

25 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $1,303.00

50 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $2,370.00

100 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $3,157.00

250 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $4,643.00

500 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $6,192.00

1000 User Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $8,844.00

Corp Site License Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $11,034.00

Corp Country Pack
Choose maintenance period


USD $16,053.00

Corp World Pack (Global < 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $25,370.00

Corp World Pack (Enterprise > 75,000)
Choose maintenance period


USD $50,741.00

Purchase of a product license is a one-time fee.

The license is perpetual and is inclusive of one year of free maintenance, entitling you to all major/minor updates during the maintenance period. Should you decide not to renew your maintenance when it expires, your license remains valid and grants you the right to use any version that was released during your valid maintenance period - indefinitely.

Need more information? Get in touch.

You can contact us by phone, email or our social media accounts — we are here to assist you.