Released Jan 14th, 2025 . Requires maintenance through Jan 14th, 2025
NEW Added an option to password protect exported MS Office documents.
The ability to restrict editing with a password has been added to the licensed copy of Editor for all Office converters. The converted document will be available in "Read-Only" mode. You will need to enter this password to make changes to the converted document.
NEW Added a tooltip for guideline movement.
NEW Added the ability to copy/paste guidelines.
NEW Added new guideline commands to 'select guides on the current page', 'select all guides', and 'duplicate guides'.
NEW Added the ability to include bookmarks when converting from PDF to MS Word. (44040)
When converting to Word, bookmarks contained in the PDF file will be converted to Word bookmarks. Also, the navigation of the Word document will be formed based on the bookmarks. The feature does not require additional settings.
NEW Added an option to find duplicated pages. (T# 7090) (43712)
NEW Added the ability to specify options when exporting form field data. (T# 7087) (43701)
NEW Added the ability to move all documents from multiple windows to the active window. (T# 7193) (44421)
NEW Added an option to open all comment popups that contain text. (T# 7066) (43479)
NEW Added regex interpretation of bookmark text in the "Create Links from Bookmarks" dialog box. (T# 6728)
Also regex interpretation added to “Generate bookmarks from text” (“Title Formatting” and “Text Matching Options) and “Find and Replace” dialogs
NEW Added an option to 'Delete All Children' for selected bookmarks. (T# 7123) (32524)
NEW Added an option to set any ribbon tab as the default to be opened on application start. (New default)
NEW Added an option to click, hold and drag the central mouse button in order to scroll pages.
NEW Added a menu for managing UI themes and to facilitate quicker access to the 'Override Document Colors' and 'Dark Page Mode' features.
NEW Added a 'Don't Upscale Pages' option for the 'Print/Merge Pages' feature when 'Multiple Pages per Sheet' mode is used. (T# 5099, 7234) (33850)
NEW Added a preview to the 'Resize Pages' feature. (T# 7179) (44396)
NEW Added 'Color Remap', 'Colorize' and 'Black&White' options to the 'Convert Colors' feature. (T# 7115)
NEW Added an option to compose digital signatures without using the Windows CryptoAPI.
NEW Added the option to pan the page view using Shift+arrow key combinations.
NEW Added new features to the 'Manage Measurements' dialogue: Added Move Up/Down, Import/Export and an option to filter the list by keywords. We also improved the 'Measurement List' dropdown.
Fixed incorrect printing permissions for some documents protected by Azure Purview.
Fixed some security and stability issues. Click here for further information.
Fixed an issue where logical page numbers were not restored to their normal format. (T# 6489) (44084)
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select a size that matches existing dimensions when splitting all pages. (T# 7195) (44524)
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to change only content offsets in the 'Resize Pages' feature when a 'scale' or 'growth' option is used. (T# 7229) (44757)
Fixed an issue where page orientation affected the output page size in the 'Resize Pages' feature when a scale or growth option is used. (T# 7228) (44671)
Fixed an issue when creating new documents with the first character “現” from the clipboard. (T# 7211) (44631)
Fixed an issue with auto-grouping sequential pencil curves as a single annotation immediately after importing settings.
Fixed issues with making the current page visible in the thumbnails pane when the pane was hidden and then made visible. Also fixed issues with retaining the scroll position when the UI scale is changed.
Fixed the issue with JavaScript option app.hideMenuItem() (T# 7204). (44580)
Fixed an issue with adding comments at the top of the form fields. (12057)
Fixed an issue with expanding the UI window across multiple displays. (41069)
Fixed an issue with the size of the 'List Box Items' dropdown menu on monitors with a high scale/dpi. (44558)
Fixed an issue in the 'Header and Footer' and 'Bates Numbering' features where the edited content was not applied to the specified page. (T# 7240) (44892)
Fixed an issue when using the 'By insert position' option in the 'Insert Empty Pages' feature. (T# 7239) (44882)
Fixed the issue with importing images from a webcam. (44955)
Fixed issues with dropping files from some applications.
Fixed the issue with detecting digital signatures that use the (EU) No 910/2014 regulation (also known as the eIDAS regulation).
Added a context menu for guidelines.
Added an option to filter fields in the 'Calculation Field' dialog box. (T# 7091) (43707)
Added an option to show an overview of pages to be deleted, and options to select them, in the 'Delete Empty Pages' feature. (T# 7145)
Added an option to re-order custom colors using drag and drop. (T# 6857) (39344)
Added an option to open files from the list of session details. (T# 7023)
Added a mechanism for editing file paths when opening a session. (T# 7099) (43768)
Improved output parameter settings for the "Export Bookmarks to Text File" feature. (T# 7073) (43558) View screenshot
Improved the 'Overlay Pages' and 'Import as Layer' feature by adding coloring options. (T# 6871, 4309) (42184)
Added a cHotkey parameter for the JavaScript option app.addMenuItem()/app.addToolButton, and fixed the order of handling shortcuts - we now process custom shortcuts before standard ones. (44574)
Allowed toolbar/menu items added via JavaScript to be moved and deleted using the 'Customize Toolbars' feature. (44574)
Added an option to restore focus/text selection when switching between document tabs.
Added a feature where clicking advanced search results that are bookmarks expands the associated bookmark in the bookmarks pane. Double-clicking also follows the bookmark target. (T# 7131) (43962)
Improved support for Javascript dialog boxes.
Improved PDF rendering in certain cases. (T#7224, 6232, 5347)
NEW Added a 'Redact Regions' tool/action that allows users to redact content in PDF documents within user-defined regions.
NEW Added a 'Create PDF from Web Pages' tool/action that creates PDFs from web pages specified by a URL, or from local files in *.htm, *.html, or *.mhtml formats.
NEW Added an 'Add Links from Barcodes' tool/action that finds barcodes on document pages and adds links to them.
NEW Added a 'Pause' button to the tool run progress window, which allows users to pause tool runs when required.
NEW Added a %[RelPath] macro that inserts the relative path of files from their root folders. The macro is assigned a value only if the file is located within a subdirectory of the specified root folder. The root folder can be specified using the 'Select Folder' option in the 'Choose Input Files' action, or as a line in a 'Files List' file (*.pdtfl).
NEW Added the ability to rename custom tools in Tools View, without entering the Tool Edit View, using either a toolbar command or the F2 hotkey. (40564)
Fixed an issue with digital signature templates that use an external images disappearing after an application restart. (T# 7217) (35136, 28955)
Fixed an issue where the %[FolderName] macro was missing from several action macro popup menus.
Fixed an issue in the 'Flatten Comments' action that could lead to incorrect comment deletion.
Fixed an issue where input files were sorted by name when running tools via the command line. The order of input files is now preserved, unless the 'sort' command line option is specified. (43634)
Fixed an issue with irregular label text in the 'Filter Files' action dialog box and its description. (44735)
Improved the save process, leading to a performance increase in most scenarios when the 'Multi-threaded Processing Mode' option is enabled.
NEW Added an "Append to Portfolio" feature to the Outlook plugin
Fixed preview generation for headers/footers. (T#7214)
Changed the default DPI value to 600.
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